Saturday, December 3, 2011


 Now in days people use the word love, i love you like they are saying a name. Real love does not hurt or make you question it, real love makes you feel secure with yourself. Real love is not a game, when someone really love you you will know it, Its a feeling, not just something that sounds good to say. Its the risk the person is willing to take with you, real love does not judge you or leave you for dead. Real love is loyal. It sounds easy? well the sad part is people spend there entire life looking for someone to realy love and that really loves them back, and most never find it no matter how hard they search. So they settle for what they call feel like love.You dont have to force someone to love you that really loves you, you dont have to beg them for help because they are already offering a helping hand. Real love is a beautiful feeling that sometimes only comes one time around in a life time, when someone really loves you they dont want to hurt you, your feelings matter to them. Though it all may sound simpple there  are people in relationships right now that cant say that this is the treatment that they are getting from the person they love.In the game of love you must study hard to past the test when it is put in front of you:)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


                         This is by no means to bash men, but this has  been going on for a while,  when did men enjoy gossip so much? when did men hate on another women to a women to impress her? when did men make up things to say or repeat a convos  they had with another person?  I just have taken notice that some men have really changed when it comes to being a mans man. Take me as a example, when some men  want to impress me they talk bad about how they dont like  a women with weave  that wears makeup and fake eyelashes and has had plastic surgery. They belive in there mind this is going to impress me because i am the total opposite of that kind of women they are throwing under the bus, but to be real when you check the women they have dated in the past they have dated the exact kind of women they are screaming they dont like. (LAME)  When  a man wants to impress a women, be yourself and be real dont talk bad about a women to her, that looks catty and is not manly. Women look at men to protect them and make her feel beautiful in her skin to be loyal. Not to have the same kind of relationship she has with the girls.  If men dont go back to be a mans man we are all screwed, just like the world needs Good women  the world is doomed with out a Real Man.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


    We all want things to happen fast and easy, and most things that are really not that important or long term comes quick and easy and goes fast. In life as we grow older we will understand the term more better that quick is not always best for us. Have you ever rushed to make dinner and your food turned out nasty? but when you took time and effort the meal was great? have you ever got dress qick and rushed out the door and realized how terrible the outfit was? but it was to late you where stuck wearing it that day. Its just like our lives we rush into things and the fail quick. We rush into relationships and really dont know anything about the person we are in a relationship with, then we end up with regret. Life is short but dont rush every moment, they feel better when you take the time to rember what it felt like to get where you are, when you reach your goal. Or what you had to go through to find the perosn you are in love with that is inlove with you. The quick moments dont last, time building last forever and long term:)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


       I  think that alot of women now in days want to be a urban model, but do they know the truth in it? when i was a child i always thought real models where COVER GIRLS,  JC PENNY MODELS, MODELS THAT MODEL CLOTHES OR MAKEUP and i still do. The urban model game is a great start to get a feel of the business, to see its not always what it seems. I use to look at these girls on the cover of these magazines and think wow she doing it lol until i start doing them to. I just want to let young girls know sometimes things are not what they seem, when  you are hot in this game everybody wants to work with you, and once your time is up they move on to the next young hot girl. There are new girls coming out all the time  going after  the same title the NEW IT GIRL. Urban modeling  is not really based off of looks as you can see, its more so based off the girl that can HUSTLE, and put her self out there in any way. She may even be linked to someone that is a rapper or actor and all the sudden she is on every web site and booked for everything??  REALLY um yeah how about those nicks lol Sometimes she is willing to do way more than the next girl. What ever the story everyone has a story. Being a urban model  does not make you a star in my eyes a person with talents, that are paid to display there talents are the real stars. Being a urban model is a great jump start with a quick ending, so you have to be smart and not get the big head, and realize this is a business and most people like you while you can make them money. Once thats over you may never hear from these people again so know who is loyal and a REAL FRIEND in this business. Never take anything personal go into it with a open mind and a set time  frame. Make your money leave your mark and move on, because they will move on from you ready or not.

Monday, May 9, 2011


         Ok so we all get break outs, there is no getting around it, it can come from stress from eating greasy foods not drinking enough water to flush out the bad lol. Or  flat out using the wrong things on our skin. If you have breaks outs in sometimes leaves blackspots behind, and we hate that it doesnt look good. What has been working for me to get rid of any trace of that is CHEMICAL PEELS, i get them every  other 3 months. It removes the bad skin by allowing it to peel off to reveal fresh beautiful skin.They are great your skin looks better after just one session. But if you dont want to spend the money here are a few things i found that do the same thing and is cheaper. When you first get a blemish that looks like it may scar, put NEOSPORIN on it as soon as it starts. Another great way to get rid of a zit scar is to wash your face with a facial wash, then cut a lemon and rub it on the scar, leave it on for 20 mins, then rinse your face and use a face cream. But while using the lemon avoid the sun  DONT LEAVE THE HOUSE WITH OUT SUN BLOCK. This will help fade marks over time. I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


               As women we always say we want a  good man, then when we claim we cant find one we say there are no good men left. There are good men in this world, but as women we tend to look pass them for someone that doesnt deserve our love or time. Good men are everywhere they may even be the person that has been just your home boy all these years, he is the man that cares and knows you better than you know yourself, his love for you truely started from being friends. But women never see him how he sees her, she looks pass him for the BAD BOY the one she is no more than a option to, he barely calls her, he only wants to see her when he has nothing else to do and is board out of his mind. But for some reason she adores him and wants to be with this man, is stressed over him. hell she thinks she loves him. Then he really breakes her heart and she acts like,  OH MY HOW COULD HE DO THIS, girl you seen all the signs but you chose to play the fool so dont act shocked. Good men love you for who you are, want to be around you even when they arent getting any lol they just love spending time with you, or hearing your voice on the phone. This is the man that deserves all your time and love, he shouldnt have to wait until you have been to your breaking point of being hurt to have you. These kind of men are not everywhere but they are there, stop letting your vision be blurred OPEN YOUR EYES.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


               Life is not easy but we have to look at all the blessing we have, then we will cherish life more. What are you thankful for? its not always about Money. I am thankful to still have both of my parents on this earth, i am thankful to have my nanas here still. I am thankful for my brother Jermaine and his son Lance. I wake up to my beautiful puppy Gizmoe who is in perfect health lol that just  got his teeth cleaned and two teeth pulled the other day lol. I am thankful for Q for always being there and supporting me in all I do. I am thankful for my great friends that are breath of fresh air when it feels like no one cares. So you see its the little things that make life worth living and very special. No amount of money, Or doing magazines  in the world can compare to what they are and how they make me feel inside. I thank God for the great people in my life, they never left my side but the ones not good for me God removed them from my life. What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


  Lets address a few things on being a hater, just because you dont like someone doesnt mean you are a hater. If they gave you a REASON not to like them, and you two dont get a long thats not being a hater. Now you are a hater if you dont like someone and you have no real reason not to like them, because then it questions why dont you like this person, do they make you insecure? what is it? You are a Hater if you go out of your way to speak negative or comment on someone that most people like or respect. The though of people giving them props boils your blood, so you go out of your way to downgrade them you are a hater. Haters watch a persons every move then judge them and look for the bad and go out there way to show it to others. Thats a full time hater lol this hater has a hard job lol. Haters care more about you then people who like you (sad right) then the first thing a hater says is (iam not hating i am just giving my opinion. Like my mother always said, sometimes if you have nothing good to say its better to  not say nothing at all. The real reason behind hate is insecure feelings toward the person they have made a target, Hating on another person is not ok, if you dont like them fine, but why do you have to make it known you dont like them if this person has never done anything to you?  The world is filed with so much hate its even on the internet, people blog and write comments about people just to downgrade them and what ever they do. My question is what does a person gain from this?  you could spend your time spreading love instead of hate :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     To have beautiful skins its going to take more than just soap and water thats only half, it starts from the inside and shows on the out side. This is going to be short, but before bed always wash your face with a facial wash that is not harsh. I use Aveeno  smart essentails it is truely amazing and i use the olay facial brush, it removes dead skin better than scrubs or a wash cloth. Splash face with cold water to close the pores. Next use a night time moisture cream. Always drink at least one tall glass of water before bed, this helps with water in our face in the morning that leads to a puffy face.  But try to drink at least 8 glasses a day your skin will thank you.:)


    Ok so what is going on with this red bottom craze? i have seen some pretty funny stories when it comes to red bottoms lol. You really have people thinking if they have on a pair of red bottoms they are better than other people or better yet it makes them look better  lol you have to be kidding me. Ok so let me say this my friends call me a label hore, but i am only going to go so far with it. I love whatever looks good, and with my curvs i cant wear most high ends brands because they are not made to fit women with curvs. I am more of a hand bag and shoe game person, oh and Diamonds with a nice pair of real diamond stud earrings u cant go wrong lol. I love all fashions like bcbg marc jacob channel rachel roy, gucci jimmy choo prada, juicey. You notice i havent said oh and my red bottoms?  i just gave you a list of some of the things in my closet and i didnt say RED BOTTOMS. I feel like if i find a pair of red bottoms i actually like i will get a pair, i have my own money to do so if i like, but am i going to buy a pair to keep up with suzie beth and april? HELL NO it kills me to see a girl buy a pair of red bottoms and hold her foot up in a picture to say hey look at me i have on red bottoms! lol to be honest thats the only way you can tell what they are because they look no diffrent that any of the other brands i named on the top. Next please dont be so quick to say you are better than someone because you spend 4K to look good. Like i have always said i rather be that bad chick that doesnt have to do that to look good that chick bad in whatever she wears. The clothes dont make you, you make the clothes. So dont think because you spend more you look better than someone who didnt that is a dum way of thinking.Because when you take it off who are you then??